This will be a permanent move. I was using Roadrunner and their webspace, and I have changed to DSL. So, I had to find a new host. My new host url is

I have reassigned my domain names to the site:
So, you should still go right to it with no trouble.

However, if you had bookmarked the address, you will find a placer page that will redirect you to the new webhost site. This will only be available for few days until RR disconnects my service.

I am aware that the T-shirt order form link does not work. I can't figure out why. I'll deal with it later. If you need an order form, write me or Miriam and we'll email you one.

I also have a few letters and YouTubes I need to get posted to bring the page up to date. Hopefully I'll get them up this weekend. If any of you have written letters you to BISD or the Bond Committee folks that you want posted on the webpage, please send me a copy.

Any questions or problems, email me at
