OK GREENIES. You need to get your information to Association for directory. We need class rosters if you have them. Right now we have received some but not all of them. You can email them to me (MiriamDnls at aol.com) or to Nancy Gonzales Taylor (NTaylor159 at aol.com). Nancy is doing Fact Sheets and she needs information so that she can finish them. We are growing by the day. So please come join us, send your information, visit with an old classmate at meeting, even meet a GREENIE you don't know.See you on November 21st. at 2:30 p.m. at St. Paul's Methodist Church on Woodrow in Beaumont. If you need more information Call Miriam Cade Nichol (69)409-838-4566

Miriam Cade Nichol 69