Wanted everybody to know I have found building where we can house trophies and other items.Gene Van Meter(49) owns building on corner Florida and Highland. I have toured it and we can use one room to show our South Park High School Heritage items. SPHSHA can hold monthly meetings, use office to do any work that we need. We need to go and help straighten the building up so that we can move all our trophies, yearbooks, greenie gushers, etc. Paula Tate O'Neal is talking to movers about moving trophy cases from High School and they will give us a price soon.Since hearing news Feb. 16 we need to get on the ball and start getting things done. Please let your email GREENIES know what is going on. If you will help let me know.Hope to hear from everybody.

Note: South Park Neighborhood Association meets there.

Miriam Cade Nichol 69