We have made contact with some lawyers who are interested in our cause.If you have NOT signed the petition already,and you live within the BISD district, please download the petition from http://savesouthpark.org/petition.htm., print it, and mail to my address at the bottom of the petition.

You do not have to be a former SP student to submit the petition.Please do not submit a petition if you already signed one or if you do not live within the BISD district.

Time is of the essence. So please make an effort to get your signed petition in the mail ASAP.

Please pass along this request to your mailing lists.

You can also get a petition at Area Impressions Caps and T-Shirts, 4570 Highland.Hours are 10:30 to 4:30 Monday thru Friday.

I will have petitions with me at work and if you can come by Texas Work Force on Pearl .I work on the second floor from 10 to 5.

Miriam Cade Nichol 69