Hi Everyone ,
I would like to say how lucky we are as GREENIES to have Miriam..About a year ago I found Classmates and the SP sight so I called her , she was kind enough to fill me in on the sight and the the things that were going on .I was coming to town so she asked me to stop by , a stranger to her she invited me into her home where we sat going thru yearbooks and talking. Miriam made me feel as if we had been friends forever . Since then we have been in touch with phone calls , emails and when I come to town she always finds time to visit . I had no idea what a GEM we had on our side . The things she has done for us . South Park High as we have known it is in trouble and Miriam has put so much of her time into this project , talking to City , State and Government offices to try to save the School for us . There are so many things , T shirt sales , petitions , keeping all of us updated on the news , taking time and gas going to the school for yearbooks then mailing them out to those of us who live out of town and i'm sure there's more . I appreciate things Miriam has done for me and wish there were more People in this world like her , maybe it could be a better place if people would just show a little more kindness and give of them selves as she has done ....I wish you would take a minute of your time to say thanks to Miriam and to all of the people who have taken their time to help with their own contributions to SP . There are so many of you I would like the chance to visit with " Thanks for your help "
" Take the time to Love and appreciate the PEOPLE and all of the meaningful things in your life while you have the chance because they can be taken from you in an instant "